Driven by strong ethical values, we are known for our transparency, collaborative approach and dedication.

Group of People Climbing a Rock

Our Values


SERVICE: Our client’s success is our success.

COMPASSION: We believe in taking care of the environment; we listen deeply and support each other in pursuit of well-being and sustainability.

TRUST: We believe in transparency and honesty. When we collaborate, we become a part of our client’s community.

GROWTH: We are dedicated to strengthening our professional practice through a lifelong commitment to learning.

Our Beliefs


We live in a world with finite resources.

Indigenous peoples hold the key to long-term sustainability.

People (clients and employees) are at the center of everything we do.

Education is the gateway to success for individuals, communities, and nations.

yellow blooming flowers

Our Origin Story

Born and raised in a close-knit family in a culturally diverse community, the founder of ZN witnessed the aftermath of colonization and understood the value of knowledge to improve oneself and rest of the society. He learned about the inter-connectedness of everything and how our time, knowledge, skills and other material resources can be shared to improve the quality of life of the communities we live and breathe in. After moving to Canada, he met Indigenous peoples and observed their negative experiences with mainstream Canadian society since the European colonization. To gain better understanding of the issues and be part of the solution, he immersed himself, as an intern, with an Indigenous community in British Columbia. That experience enhanced his perspective and led him to become involved in pursuit of solutions.

In 2013, he founded ZN Advisory and set out to contribute to solutions by working with Indigenous communities in Canada.